10.10.2013 | 21:52
In english i was learning about health. Fyst thing i had to do was to read all of these: Water, Fruits and vegetables, Grains and carbohydrates , Dairy products, Fish Meat Eggs Beans and Nuts, Fat, Vitamins, Caffeine, Physical activity, Sleep, Sugar and Teeth. after i have readed all of these i had to chose six of these. I chose Water, Fish Meat Eggs Beans and Nuts, Fruits and Vegetables, Vitamins, Caffeine, Physical activity. After i chose these i wrote the text abaout these catagories. When i was done i could chose if i write it on a paper or in the computer. I chose computer. In the comuter i went to Microsoft word and wrote down the text. I could shose again if i do it in word or in glogster. Glogster is a website where its like word but you can allot of more stuff like adding videos, Put some nice animated or not animated pictures and more. So i chose ofcourse glogster. so what i did is that i went to glogster signed in and made a new glog. Then i starded puting the same text by copying the text from word and pasting it to glogster. After that i started finding photos and uploading to glogster. When i finished the work i saved it and it was done. I liked this work really much and i would like to do more of these.
And here can you see my work
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